During a voting session, the room transitions through several states in a loop.
Initial State: Waiting
The room enters the 'Wait' state under the following conditions:
- Immediately after creation.
- After the voting session has been paused.
Discussion Phase
The 'Discuss' state is used to timebox the discussion of a ticket. During this time, voters are not allowed to cast their votes. If the ticket has been thoroughly discussed, the owner or admin can skip the remaining discussion time and move to the next stage.
Note: Discussion mode is in Development
Voting Phase
Once the admin or owner selects a ticket for voting, the room enters the 'Vote' state. In this state:
- All voters can cast their votes on the selected ticket.
- Votes remain anonymous until all participants have submitted theirs.
Decision Phase
After all users have voted, if the results are not unanimous, the owner or admin has the following options:
- Restart the voting process.
- Manually select a result.
Voting Completed
If all users have voted and their results are unanimous, the owner or admin can:
- Copy the final result.
- Select the next ticket for voting.